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Friends of International Students

General Information

What is FIS?

FIS是一个以社区为基础的组织,旨在将感兴趣的个人和家庭(朋友)与网上赌博网站十大排行的国际学生联系起来. 该项目的目标是为学生适应新家提供支持,并促进不同国籍的人之间的友谊和理解.

Who is involved?

FIS matches two groups of people. 首先是网上赌博网站十大排行的国际学生. 许多国际学生都被“家外之家”的机会所吸引。, make friendships, 并通过家庭和社区活动体验美国文化. 随着学生对社区的熟悉,他们也会成为更积极的公民.

Friends are interested community members. Single people, families, retirees, etc. can all become Friends to international students. 朋友申请是因为他们想与他人分享他们的时间和才能. 有帮助他人的兴趣和对另一种文化有更多了解的愿望就是所需要的. 当这些人聚集在一起进行小组和团体活动时,朋友的多样性为节目增添了特别的亮点.

What do Friends and students do?

朋友和学生被要求在他们一年的项目承诺期间每月联系一次. Contact can take many forms. Family dinners, attending sporting events, going through a Halloween haunted house, raking leaves together, a quick phone call or text...

朋友和学生可以在他们的日程安排允许的情况下尽可能多或尽可能少地呆在一起. This allows each relationship to be individual and special. From the feedback received from Friends and students alike, this program is both enriching and enjoyable.

除了个性化的接触外,FIS每年还举办两场团体活动. 在秋季野餐会上,朋友和学生可能会第一次见面. 第二个活动在春天举行,通常包括聚餐和有趣的文化展示.

Guidelines for Friends

Friends of International Students (FIS)

FIS is a visitation, not a home-stay program. Student and friend assignments are normally for a period of one year. 这种关系可能会在那一年之后继续下去,但网上赌博网站十大排行希望 friends will make themselves available to another student each year.

Student & Friend

If the student and friend 是否因任何原因不兼容,是否合理,是否有可能做出改变. 不要对这种情况感到不高兴,或者只是忽略了与学生联系. Email us at and relate your problem.  如果你的学生似乎很难适应美国的生活, please inform us immediately.

Religion and Culture

宗教和宗教机构构成了网上赌博网站十大排行美国文化的一个重要方面,国际学生应该有机会了解和观察, if desired. However, the policy of the National Association of International Educators (NAFSA), as well as Friends of International Students is that proselytizing is not permitted. Students may be invited to attend services with you, particularly during religious holidays, 但是活动的性质以及赞助应该让学生清楚.

Friends 也鼓励参加学生的宗教和文化活动,以扩大自己的文化理解.  Research your student’s country. Locate their home on a map or atlas. 询问他们的家庭、家乡、国家和风俗.

Student/Friend Activities

Friends and students are asked to make contact at least once each month. 它可能只是为了询问健康和幸福,也可能是为了邀请. The thought is the important thing. 保持联系,表现出你的兴趣,让你的学生知道你有空.

  • Friend invitations must be flexible. Students are here primarily for education. 上课、学习和研究占用了他们大量的时间. Several invitations may be required to get friends and students together. 考试或研究项目等不可预见的情况可能会给计划好的活动带来问题. Friends 随着活动日期的临近,是否应该与学生核实计划的活动.
  • Some cultures consider saying “no” to be rude or insulting. Friends 应该清楚地说明拒绝邀请不会冒犯主人吗.
  • Most students do not have automobiles. Friends 应提供接送计划的学生/friend activities.
  • 鼓励将你的学生纳入你家庭的非正式生活环境中. If possible, 应该邀请学生参加感恩节晚餐和圣诞节期间和学期休息期间的一些活动. Other suggested activities include family birthday parties, school activities, sporting events, concerts, lectures, and special holiday celebrations such as Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Independence Day, etc.
  • 学生们可能会喜欢准备来自祖国的传统食物 friends. Friends 是否可以报销或分担食材的费用,并提供厨房的使用权.



Apply to be a Friend

Guidelines for Students

Students and Friends are assigned to each other for one school year. (You’ll be FIS Friends until May [December for NUIS students].)许多关系在那之后仍在继续,网上赌博网站十大排行希望你们的关系也能如此.

You and your Friend 应该试着聚在一起,或者至少一个月交谈一次——如果你们俩都有时间的话,越频繁越好. Don’t wait for your Friend to call you every time.  Feel free to call your Friend, too.

Every relationship between a student and a Friend will be different. Some people will have more time to spend together. 如果另一个学生被邀请出去的次数比你多,不要难过.

Take time to enjoy your relationship. If you are busy with school, feel free to tell your Friend 那时你没有时间,但是让他们知道你有兴趣和他们在一起. 你的学业是第一位的,但记住,偶尔休息一下是很好的.

When your Friend has had you over or done something nice for you, 你可以写张便条说“谢谢”,或者打电话给他们说“谢谢”.

After you have gotten to know your Friend,你可能想为他们做一些你国家的菜.  向他们展示并告诉他们你们国家吃什么食物.

Your Friend will be interested in your family and your country.  你可能想给你的家人拍照,或者写一些关于你国家的书来分享和告诉他们你的文化.

如果你觉得你和你的 Friend, please contact us at W are happy to help you and advise you.

Your Friend 可能会邀请你去他/她的教堂,但他/她不应该试图让你改变你的宗教信仰. If it is permissible within your own religious practices, 去美国教堂对你来说可能是一次独特而有趣的经历.

Watch for activities that FIS sponsors and attend them.  Try to attend with your Friend. If he/she doesn’t call you, call him/her. Please join the event even if your Friend cannot come.

If you and your Friend are not compatible, it is very possible to make a change. Contact the FIS officers at

Make the most of your stay in Maryville. 如果有什么你特别想做或想看的,问一下你的朋友 Friend. He or she may be available to take you or advise you.

Apply to find a Friend